Thursday, February 8
Fame at last?
I signed up to Technoranki , a spin off from Technorati, when this blog was initially set up, part of learning how to get the blog announced to a wider community, and therebye try to keep it as a two way communication vehicle. After all there's not a huge amount of hillwalkers and backpackers down here by the south coast seaside. It can get a bit lonely at times!
So I was a bit surprised to spot today that's its now ranked 191st in the Top 300 (swoons to the floor gasping)
I'll try not to get too excited. After all it's rated as 8/10 today, but back in mid Jan it was worth a pifling 3/10. (And no of course I don't know how the scores work, otherwise, naturally, I'd be #1)
Despite my better intentions to ignore these type of site stats, I do get a perverse sense of well being, or sometimes downcast gloom, when I check the details. For instance yesterday my site counter (or last 100 posts - I'm too tight to actually pay for this type of service) reported the first visitor from Jilin, China (Who on earth are you?)
Then again I note Technoranki lists the Milk of Human Kindness blog as 184th, and that ceased trading Jan 1 this year.
On reflection its best not to take these things too seriously unless there's a long term pattern.
I guess that means no invite to the Oscars this year, and ditto that key note speech at the Keswick Mountain Film Festival entitled 'Five Days in Lakeland Rain' or 'A Man, An Akto, Some Sheep'
No best not I think.
Edit: 22:30 - And a big
Hi to my 2nd visitor this time from Fuzhou, China or I perhaps I should say
Want to let me in on my new found fame?
There's potentially 1.4 billion readers surely gagging for my pearls of wisdom
;-)Labels: blog media
So I was a bit surprised to spot today that's its now ranked 191st in the Top 300 (swoons to the floor gasping)
I'll try not to get too excited. After all it's rated as 8/10 today, but back in mid Jan it was worth a pifling 3/10. (And no of course I don't know how the scores work, otherwise, naturally, I'd be #1)
Despite my better intentions to ignore these type of site stats, I do get a perverse sense of well being, or sometimes downcast gloom, when I check the details. For instance yesterday my site counter (or last 100 posts - I'm too tight to actually pay for this type of service) reported the first visitor from Jilin, China (Who on earth are you?)
Then again I note Technoranki lists the Milk of Human Kindness blog as 184th, and that ceased trading Jan 1 this year.
On reflection its best not to take these things too seriously unless there's a long term pattern.
I guess that means no invite to the Oscars this year, and ditto that key note speech at the Keswick Mountain Film Festival entitled 'Five Days in Lakeland Rain' or 'A Man, An Akto, Some Sheep'
No best not I think.
Edit: 22:30 - And a big Hi to my 2nd visitor this time from Fuzhou, China or I perhaps I should say
There's potentially 1.4 billion readers surely gagging for my pearls of wisdom
Labels: blog media
All site material © John Hee - ask before you snatch