Sunday, May 18

Dur Hill - Me & Mother Nature Share Some Thoughts

With the sun's arrival come the increase in visitors to this locality. Early holidaymakers and weekenders on a quick break.

As this influx grows I find my local walks shift to those more out of the way places, or at times when I think others will be elsewhere, such as yesterday afternoon's Cup Final. A localish event, so more or less guaranteed to keep people in front of a TV screen, and not outdoors.

A solitary walkabout today. The sun vying with the wind. Initially making the windproof necessary, until the breeze finally conceded defeat. Sun on the face and arms. Moving steadily amongst the landscape on a circular route, but wandering off the beaten track as the feeling took me.

Along the way, small flowers finding a suitable tenure at the edge of the receding mud pools formed over the Winter.

I played hide & seek with a Jay. Closer than I usually managed. The bird's vivid colours a contrast amongst the dull grey trunks of the pine.

A deer, alone amongst the scrub woodland. We stood watching each other for a few minutes until its head lowered, and it slowly wandered off to graze on fresh undergrowth.

A buzzard, spooked by my arrival, but not so much that it needed to rush away. Rather to slowly rise before me catching the wind for a lazy soar upwards.

A cuckoo, or was that two, working their way around me. Calling from far away.

A group of mares with their new foals, happily far from the road. The young hiding behind mum as I approached.

And along the way a visit to a previous haunt.

The sturdy shelter spotted last year now flattened.

Probably deliberate bearing in mind its solid construction. A mystery that will probably never be solved.

All without bumping into another human being during the trip.

Feeling at one with the outdoors, and happy that Nature chose my solitude to reveal some of her glory as I went.

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