Saturday, July 7

Hip-pack Competition - Off We Go!

No lengthy speeches explaining the deep heart search that lead to this point. No dancing troupes. No celebrity appearances. A roll of drums, the trumpets sound and as the curtains part ..........

The 2007 Hip-Pack competition is now officially


The background to all the shenanigans can be read here

The gist:

It's intended to be a bit of lighthearted fun "to find the most successful outdoor use of the smallest bag & lightest load for successfully completing a single wildcamp over night by the end of September 2007"

It's for those hot summer nights (they must come someday soon surely) when you lie awake in bed thinking 'I wish I was camping out under the stars on a night like this'.

And then you remember. No holiday left to take; Too short notice to get a decent trip sorted; Or just too much going on in your personal life to get away.

So here's the solution. A reason to grab a quick night out wildcamping, and possibly win a prize to boot.

It's especially intended for those of us who aren't lucky enough to live in\near hill walking country, but who never the less still get that hankering to be out there enjoying nature.

The prize?

A much sought NalgeneFolding Canteen (company info here) kindly donated by Podcast Bob proprietor of the highly recommended retailer website and probably better known globally as the driving force and honey-dripping tones behind the superb series of Outdoor Podcasts that have made his nickname known far and wide across outdoor circles.

There's no need to enter beforehand. And it's all splendidly freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Just click on the HIP-PACK COMPETITION link on the right, or look here to find out what's involved.

I've tried to keep any conditions to a minimum. After all it's about fun. And I really don't intend to get caught up in any fracas over the minutiae. Life's too short!

And if you do fancy giving it a go, by all means drop me a line if you want so I can keep an eye on the level of interest.

There's a special competition e-mail address in the document to be used exclusively for this competition so please try to use it just for this, it makes any admin on my part much simpler.

And that's it.

Over to you. Have fun!


All site material © John Hee - ask before you snatch