Thursday, July 5

Ahoy -New Bloggers off the port bow

No quite what I planned for this evening pastime. But 'go with the flow' has always been my way in such circumstances.

I cleared the decks of other pc work having finally got the desktop/laptop/wireless network humming sweetly, and this pc mostly cleaned up of old deleted software to keep the antiquated technology running smooth & clean.

Right tool for the job you see (How's that Vista stuff going Alan S? Any hair left to pull out? lol)

Planet Rock loud on the DAB (try to check out the Fish (fri pm) and Rick Wakeman (Sat am) shows - great entertainment)

I've the house to myself this evening so I could finally sort out one or two posts I've had tickling at the back of my brainpan for a few weeks, but which need some proper concentration to get the thoughts down into a meaningful communication (without feeling guilty I'm ignoring the rest of the family)

But first a quick check of the e-mail/forums/blogs.

So that's me buggered already. Totally diverted from tonight's planned activity; Dagbnabbit ('word of the week' and one to reintroduce into popular culture. It's got to be better than "Ho" Urgh)

So let's to it readers.............

First up a new blogger - and a kindred spirit judging by the articles already posted. That's what you'll find on The Solitary Walker Musings of a Mid-life Rambler a site that's been up and running since June 07. And one that I've somehow missed during my occasional Googling of Whats New Out There in UK Blogland.

A quote from William Hazlitt heads the blog:
"One of the pleasantest things in the world is going on a journey; but I like to go by myself... I cannot see the wit of walking and talking at the same time - I like solitude... The soul of a journey is liberty, perfect liberty to think, feel, do just as one pleases. We go a journey chiefly to be free of all impediments and of all inconveniences; to leave ourselves behind, much more to get rid of others"

I've given some feed back on site layout as the blocks of text look a little daunting at present, but please take the time to read them through. There are some great sentiments and thoughts on the approach to enjoying walking in the outdoors, which will undoubtedly strike a chord with many readers I'm sure.

Next another blog, new to me but one that has been active since Feb 07. And something of a rarity as its hosted by a woman, which makes a nice change (only 3 female bloggers out of the 30+ UK outdoor blogs that I'm aware of so far)

M&G Go For A Walk written by Gayle Bird relates the very active walking and camping activities of the writer and hubby.

No 'mission statement' as such, but to pick out a phrase from the first post:
"So, what thoughts am I going to share with the world? I’m not quite sure yet, but it’s pretty much all going to be related to walking and backpacking. I like the outdoors. I like mud. I like kit (or kit likes me; I seem to have accumulated a lot of it either way)"

To give you a flavour of the blog, and hopefully hasten your visit in that direction, here's a taster of some topics already covered:

  • " I bought a’s red" (eat your heart out Darren)

  • "The hunt for a Psion 5" and subsequent connectivity fun

  • "my meet with Alan Sloman on his LEJOG Challenge

  • Innov8 Terroc shoes - real life use and honest feedback

  • Walking the Cumbria Way

  • A Couple of Days in the Rhinogau

......and on and on it goes. An active life outdoors and plenty of useful stuff.

And I shouldn't say this, but I just can't resist, despite it perhaps it coming across as possibly a little too personal.

Every so often, in those blue times most people have in their lives, Mrs JH has made comments along the lines of "You'd be better off with someone who enjoys the outdoor stuff at the same level that you do"

Not true of course. Part of the fun is so individual to myself. Sharing it is a indeed a bonus, but I accepted years ago that only a very small percentage of people ever 'get' that special understanding of camping in wild places. And its even harder to share with someone who hasn't already found that special vibration for themselves already.

Very difficult to explain, but so quickly recognised in others who have 'been there' (Which BTW was one of the reasons the recent Outdoor Blogger meet in the Lakes was so enjoyable. No egos to bruise. Just a common consensus of tuning in to nature and the joy of being outdoors in the wild)

So back to M&G. It's not the level of outdoor activity that might turn my head. Nope, it's the fact that Gayle just seems so damned handy at DIY. Definitely puts me to shame. (Your talking to a man whose fences still lie in a state of disarray after the March winds, and actually used the explanation of the national fence panel shortage as the reason for the somewhat (continuing) rural nature of the garden boundary.

But my head could be so easily turned by "I’ve re-plumbed a number of houses, I’ve fitted central heating" and as for "tiling a chimney" or "laying a laminate floor"

More time for me to get out walking as far as I'm concerned. Hopefully with a less guilty conscience.

Links already added on the right to help you track them down.

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