Saturday, May 29
Despatches From the Front Line (I)
Anyone still out there?
Well it has been a while since we last got together. An oversight I only noticed earlier today having temporarily stepped off the Helter-Skelter that is my current work\life style.
So anything to report you may well ask? Indeed a question I tend to ask myself from time to time these days. Usually with no real answer. Mostly.
But to avoid sounding like existence is even sadder than it sounds (and its not really BTW) some snippets from the last two weeks. In no particular order …………..
- Watching a Chinese Lantern soar high into the night sky, a curious sight quickly surpassed as a passing Stag beetle, in full flight, made me duck. Easily the size of a tennis ball. Honest.
- Cup Final Day - an excellent time to hit the local B Roads on my motorcycle for Maximum Fun 'n Games. And no PC Ray Gun to mar the party.
- So, 21 grammes is the weight of a Human Soul as scientifically measured then?
- A chance meeting in middle England with a local fellrunning enthusiast, minutes before he stepped aboard the local bus to travel 200+ miles up to the Lake District. All via by public transport. His aim this Bank Holiday weekend being a personal attempt at the Bob Graham Round with a target of 42 peaks in 24 hours (best of luck Chris - let me know how it went?)
- Travelling around the UK roads. Still. Again. Still. Where did all the vegetation come from so suddenly?
- Amused astonishment on finding that the small arrow (next to the Petrol Pump logo) on my car speedo actually points to which side of the car has the petrol fill cap. First I knew about it. Despite gazing at said dial for countless years
And finally ........... let us not forget the Saturday May Bank Holiday Rush.

The Rainy Day, Tourists Stay Away Break it seems. Again.
Just the way I like it.
Selfish sod ain't I?
Well it has been a while since we last got together. An oversight I only noticed earlier today having temporarily stepped off the Helter-Skelter that is my current work\life style.
So anything to report you may well ask? Indeed a question I tend to ask myself from time to time these days. Usually with no real answer. Mostly.
But to avoid sounding like existence is even sadder than it sounds (and its not really BTW) some snippets from the last two weeks. In no particular order …………..
- Watching a Chinese Lantern soar high into the night sky, a curious sight quickly surpassed as a passing Stag beetle, in full flight, made me duck. Easily the size of a tennis ball. Honest.
- Cup Final Day - an excellent time to hit the local B Roads on my motorcycle for Maximum Fun 'n Games. And no PC Ray Gun to mar the party.
- So, 21 grammes is the weight of a Human Soul as scientifically measured then?
- A chance meeting in middle England with a local fellrunning enthusiast, minutes before he stepped aboard the local bus to travel 200+ miles up to the Lake District. All via by public transport. His aim this Bank Holiday weekend being a personal attempt at the Bob Graham Round with a target of 42 peaks in 24 hours (best of luck Chris - let me know how it went?)
- Travelling around the UK roads. Still. Again. Still. Where did all the vegetation come from so suddenly?
- Amused astonishment on finding that the small arrow (next to the Petrol Pump logo) on my car speedo actually points to which side of the car has the petrol fill cap. First I knew about it. Despite gazing at said dial for countless years

The Rainy Day, Tourists Stay Away Break it seems. Again.
Just the way I like it.
Selfish sod ain't I?
All site material © John Hee - ask before you snatch