Sunday, December 16

Harry Potter's Last mystery?

An unusual topic for an outdoor blog? Well maybe but I know some of you adults out there have more than a passing interest in the children's tales concerning a certain Master Potter.

Wandering around the virtual world earlier today I found a follow up to the news during the week following the auction of a copy of J.K.Rowling's (very limited) release of "Tales of Beedle the Bard" for a smidgen under £2 million.

A slightly more expensive purchase than I would usually make, I must admit. Well compared to one of my regular sources of second hand books. And after all someone had been writing in the margins of this one and trying to pass it off as new. The cheek of it. I'll have to try that one next time I return a book to my local library suitably annotated with correction and contrasting opinion. Somehow I think increasing the value will not be one of the arguments that they will accept.

But back to the plot, in this instance the purchasing agent, whom if papers were to be believed was not incredibly ecstatic post sale (probably at the final price compared to the £50k estimate) seemed to be an anonymous collector. At least until this weekend when Amazon popped up with details of their new purchase, and now milking their purchase for its full worth

A little karmic perhaps considering how much they must have taken on the Potter series over the last few years? And its probably tax deductible as well, come to think of it.


All site material © John Hee - ask before you snatch