Sunday, December 9

Christmas gift ideas: Outdoor book special mentions

Chris Townsend's latest post on his site reminds me that I really need to get Robert Macfarlane’s book "The Wild Places" on to my gift list for this year. Its been getting excellent reviews both on the outdoor forums/magazines and amongst mainstream reviewers.

The latest review pops up on this Saturday's Times newspaper round up of outdoor related books of note published this year

And a mention in the same article recommending Michelle Waitzman's "Sex in a Tent: A Wild Couple's Guide to Getting Naughty in Nature" An author better know to those of us involved with the Outdoor Blogger Forum as Maple Kiwi whose blog Love In A Tent, despite (or may be because of?) its teaser title is full of good advice especially for those looking to New Zealand for their tramping experiences. And coincidentally a book I finished off earlier this week during the long periods of inactivity spent courtesy of British Rail and yet another grinding trip to the northern shores of the Mersey. Oh dear - perhaps grinding wasn't quite the adverb to use on this occasion - lol

But back to MK - let's try to avoid pangs of jealousy as her latest post reminds us that as the days in GB become danker dreary and dark, NZ is moving into the sultry days of their summer season.

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But back to MK - let's try to avoid pangs of jealousy as her latest post reminds us that as the days in GB become danker dreary and dark, NZ is moving into the sultry days of their summer season.
Hi John,
New Zealand is freezing compared to Australia! You have to more jealous of us than THEM!! We were in Tasmania a couple of weeks ago in the Walls of Jerusalem area and got sunburnt and had many encounters with tiger snakes. Summer is here and the walking is looking good. Frank
thats it - rub it in
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