Saturday, June 16

Dear Diary:Sunday June 10th (12:00)

4 am dawned, but far too early after another warm night. However by 7 am the heat inside the tent was getting uncomfortable so I sprang forth to another great bright day. An early morning tarn dip (well more an assertive splash all over) and a leisurely breakfast before we struck camp.

Lay having left early for his long drive south the remaining five of use descended through the increasing heat back down to Grasmere. And yes, another sun breakfast at the cafe, and not even 10:30.

This time we had a slight distraction. After the peace of the hills finding ourselves amidst the crowds involved in the annual Grasmere Gallop run was a little of a culture shock. Especially as the temporary car park entrance was sited next to the cafe (BTW winning time was 41.47 for the 7k multi terrain race - in the heat that was fast)

Amongst these scenes of ultra athletes (and the more normal sized individuals) milling around, our esteemed group quietly sat there consuming bacon butties and gently smoking. What plebs we are. Certainly not fit to be out on the hills (lol)

With all this activity and the sunshine now really kicking in, we finally admitted defeat and retired back into the cool cafe interior for the shade.

And then it was suddenly time to part. Myself off to Grasmere YHA for a rest day, and much needed shower, the others to wend their respective ways back home.

Personally I regarded the meet up as a resounding success. It was great to be out with such a cross section of folk sharing some basic common beliefs.

The Internet comes in for a lot of stick especially when things get hostile, as they will at times.

But when used as a communication enabler it has radicalised the way our social networks can quickly achieve remarkable things.

I can't really think of any other way in which such a geographically disparate group, with common aims, would have so quickly have come together, and managed to meet for such a great weekend, free of ego or rancour. No cliques or personality clashes. Superb.

And let's not forget, the germ of the UKOB group only started forming in March '07, and a lot of new blood has come on board since with a flourishing dedicated website and firm friendships forming.

Nice to meet you all and it looks like another UKOB Meet is already on the cards.

There's more trip reports and many more pictures from Darren, Stef, Duncan, Geoff.

Anything there that disagrees with my report is of course a tissue of lies (unless I come out smelling of roses)But with the excessive heat of the weekend I know what we smelt of most of the time, and roses it definitely wasn't it!

For some reason my camera stayed mostly away over the weekend. Too busy gassing I guess.

And for the next post....what Johnnie did next

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