Friday, June 15

Dear Diary:Friday June 8th (14:30)

I'd not been in the right frame of mind for this trip. A major upheaval over the last couple of months at work and the usual pre-season concerns over my fitness levels for more serious outings.

Are we ever happy with our fitness preparation? Looking around my contemporaries I really shouldn't over concern myself unduly. There's a sprinkling died young; Many now have serious illness, especially adult onset diabetes, and almost all carry slightly more weight than they did 10 years ago. In some cases visibly far too much.

Ah the joy of the post 40 physique. All those things you put off with riotous living coming home to roost in early middle age. The body calling time (And you thought it was a reliable one - too late to claim under he warranty now I guess)

I've got a lucky set of genes, and I've been told someone who should know (thanks Andy C) that the body shape post 40 is unlikely to get any worse if it already hasn't already by that age.

But in my case the decadent sort of lifestyle hasn't necessarily stopped, and it's been a long game in the playing. 27 years on motorcycles. Never a broken bone, and that's despite some monumental all seasons biking over the majority of that time. I helped bury a few friends in my 20s, so the risks have always been understood.

Which brings me nicely back to solo walking before I wander off beam any further.

Thursday evening saw me throwing gear into the pack, fastening the lid, and largely leaving the rest to fate. The preparation time had just not been available this time around, despite a conscious attempt to make the space.

But a part of the problem was in myself, there was something not quite right in my general attitude to this trip

Not, I hasten to add, due to the planned meeting of fellow UK Outdoor Bloggers from across the country. More I guess the open ended nature of the week after that. A few wild campspots in mind, but no A to B routes prepared, due to the camp diverse locations.

But as I sit here at Oxenholme Railway Station ('Gateway to the Lakes') sweating gently in the unexpectedly sizzling sunshine, I can feel the power of the Lakeland start to work its magic on me.

Relax. Share. Enjoy.

And I feel a good time is on the way.

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