Tuesday, May 8

Lakeland Rescues - the beat goes on

I recall last writing about the increasing number of Lakeland accidents involving the MRT in September 06 and trying to offer some guidance from my limited perspective before then.

It seems like the situation continues to be a problem involving MRT and a lot of worried, or worst still devastated, families.

So with no apology for the repetition, and in the hope that even if one passer-bye to this blog takes in the basic common sense, here's the MRT advice

And worth picking out........
  • A map, compass (and the ability to use them) .......should always be carried. If you carry a GPS, at least know how to read your current position
  • Be prepared to turn back if conditions are against you
  • Do not rely on a mobile phone to get you out of trouble
  • It is no disgrace to turn back if you are not certain

Basic common sense really. Be prepared.

"He that fights and runs away, may turn and fight another day; but he that is in battle slain, will never rise to fight again" Tacitus

"He who turns and runs away, may live to fight another day" William Shakespeare.


All site material © John Hee - ask before you snatch