Saturday, December 5
Lake District Weatherline - New telephone number
I've one telephone number stored away on my mobile phone that whilst infrequently used, will never be deleted. When wildcamping high on Lakeland fells part of my evening routine is to call, phone signal permitting, The Lake District Weatherline service.
Over the years I've found the forecasts to be accurate, detailed & (for a solo hillwalker), key when pondering the next day's route.
To go high…..or low?
An important question for a walker travelling with no schedule to keep, other than to see what's beyond the next range of felltops.
But no matter what my intent, realism dictates that I should bend with the weather's vagaries, especially where extreme conditions are forecast.
(Wildcamping - ah so pretty)
Even in less inclement weather the choice between a high ridge walk in dense rain cloud, or a valley meander accompanied by patchy showers, can be the difference between a hard day with little enjoyment or an pleasant day of exploration.
(Wildcamping - ugh not so pretty)
That's even more relevant when high wind speeds are the alternative between safe passage low down or the increased risk of being knocked off my feet when ridging along exposed tops.
So thanks to the latest TGO Magazine for alerting me to the fact that the telephone no. for The Lake District Weatherline has recently changed to 0844 846 2444.
(Being curious, I tried the old number earlier today, only to be met with a recorded message giving a company's name and address details. But not a lot of guidance as to whether it will rain in Keswick tomorrow)
And whilst on the subject of Lakeland weather - fancy a job as a Fell Top Assessor?
"….report on the fell conditions from the summit area of Helvellyn from December through to April. Working seven days on and seven days off, including weekends and bank holidays, you will need to be able to climb from Glenridding to the summit of Helvellyn and back in four hours"
Well that’s probably me out of the running.
Then again the daily commute from the south coast might just get me down in the end.
Wonder whether any of the Assessors have ever thought about just wildcamping for their week in a nearby sheltered spot?
Now there's an idea.
And to get paid for it as well.
HmmmmLabels: Lake District, National Park, nature
Over the years I've found the forecasts to be accurate, detailed & (for a solo hillwalker), key when pondering the next day's route.
To go high…..or low?
An important question for a walker travelling with no schedule to keep, other than to see what's beyond the next range of felltops.
But no matter what my intent, realism dictates that I should bend with the weather's vagaries, especially where extreme conditions are forecast.
Even in less inclement weather the choice between a high ridge walk in dense rain cloud, or a valley meander accompanied by patchy showers, can be the difference between a hard day with little enjoyment or an pleasant day of exploration.
That's even more relevant when high wind speeds are the alternative between safe passage low down or the increased risk of being knocked off my feet when ridging along exposed tops.
So thanks to the latest TGO Magazine for alerting me to the fact that the telephone no. for The Lake District Weatherline has recently changed to 0844 846 2444.
(Being curious, I tried the old number earlier today, only to be met with a recorded message giving a company's name and address details. But not a lot of guidance as to whether it will rain in Keswick tomorrow)
And whilst on the subject of Lakeland weather - fancy a job as a Fell Top Assessor?
"….report on the fell conditions from the summit area of Helvellyn from December through to April. Working seven days on and seven days off, including weekends and bank holidays, you will need to be able to climb from Glenridding to the summit of Helvellyn and back in four hours"
Well that’s probably me out of the running.
Then again the daily commute from the south coast might just get me down in the end.
Wonder whether any of the Assessors have ever thought about just wildcamping for their week in a nearby sheltered spot?
Now there's an idea.
And to get paid for it as well.
Labels: Lake District, National Park, nature
All site material © John Hee - ask before you snatch