Sunday, September 6

NFNPA - New Leaf or Sleight of Hand

Following last week's public meeting with the New Forest National Park Authority representatives there's been much media & web discussion on how sincere the NFNPA's 'climb down' may prove to be.

The One Voice group has summarised the meeting & follow-up in this PDF document. Similarly the Forest Uprising Group have their own impression & details of a new advisory group.

So is it a U-Turn, or a ploy?

Time and events will tell.

My own limited take on matters is somewhat mixed. The NFNPA representatives have clearly got the message as to how poor their P.R. & policy stance has been.

Which is good.

But I spotted one worrying note in that the authority’s recently appointed Chief Executive, Barrie Foley, is due to leave at the end of 2009.

I, for one, hadn't picked up the fact his involvement was to be so short.

If his goal has been damage limitation following the sudden departure of the previous CE, then the boy has done good.

But in 2010 there will be yet another incumbent, and another new broom.

The key question. How much of the current improvement in NFNPA stance will be in place next year?

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