Sunday, April 13

New Water Purification Gear - Aquagear Survivor

Over at the The Outdoors Channel Podcast Bob is getting very excited about a new piece of gear - The Aquagear Survivor ("Pure Water Anywhere")

What's that? 'Not another purification system' do I hear you cry?

Well this one has certainly got Bob's interest. And whilst he sees an awful lot of "new" ideas during his travels to show this level of enthusiasm means it must be something rather special.

This system offers an in-built filtration and purification system to remove all those nasty bugs and at the same time the taste & taint of bad water, or any Iodine/Chlorine you may have added. The claim to fame is lightweight and instant water purification system. Bob reports that it's been tested to over 1600 litres and still works 100% without any special maintenance or washing.

I understand there are a few units due out on UK field tests over the coming weeks so keep an eye peeled to see whether the promise matches the real-life reports if this is one area of kit that interests you at all.

More information available from Bob's on-line venture or there's more detail on the podcast. I swear I can hear Bob quivering with undisguised glee all the way through the interview.

Podcast: Aquagear Survivor

Download MP3 File

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