Thursday, February 7

aRoundabout - outdoor news and views (Feb 7)

Unbowed by a backlash of utter indifferance, here's another weekly round-up for your entertainment.

New sites to check out?
Seb Green was 15 when as a
result of his involvement in a boat theft he ended up stuck in mud in Fleet Lagoon late at night. Subsequently rescued (and charged) in the years since he's regretted his actions and on the 1st of February he started his walk around the coast of mainland UK to raise cash for charity to make amends to the local community.

The 18-year-old will spend nearly a year walking 5,821 miles with his border collie dog, Flash, camping as he goes. More details on his website

Outdoor News
That's the way to do it.........
In contrast to last week's report of ill prepared walkers and their involvement of various Mountain Rescue teams here's a happier report of a man showing real self reliance (thanks to Grough for this) Well done that man!

Wainwright Window Becomes Storm Victim
An appeal comes via the
Online Fellwalking Club and The Wainwright Society to fund church repairs. Not normally something that would feature on here but the church in question is St. James in Buttermere. A small leaded window was battered by recent winter gales and is boarded up awaiting repair.

And the relevance?

Its the same window containing the memorial plaque to Wainwright, and that special view towards Haystacks. Target is around £1000 if you want to contribute.

News in
March's Trail Magazine concerning the Vixen Tor campaign's new initiative based on the Highways Law (my background piece here) and a request for testimonials from anyone who can recall walking, climbing or just enjoying the site.

Whilst not of direct relevance to the
E-Petition on the legal position of wildcamping in England & Wales (364 votes and building - is your name on it yet?) there are some useful lessons to be learnt from the campaign when looking at mounting and delivering change for outdoor access that relates to all of us. Whether we intend to use this spot or not.

And finally ......
Look to the skies. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nope its Air Viagra.

An Israeli study of mountain climbers in Africa has identified a link between erectile dysfunction drugs and improved performance at high altitude. An active ingredient in the drugs helped climbers perform better where oxygen was at reduced levels. The study indicates this may be of assistance for jet fighter pilots.
Hopefully they will work out any unrequired side effects (Beware sudden ejections - lol) but maybe tha
t explains the mass of Viagra spam targeted at us hardened outdoor types.

Meanwhile US scientists, not to be outdone, have built an adapted knee brace that generates energy from human movement ".....we can get as much as 13 watts from walking .. .... enough to power about 30 minutes of talk time on a typical mobile phone from just one minute of walking"

Great news for ubertechnowalkers. Possibly. But not looking too good for the ultralight brigade.

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