Sunday, May 27

Wainwright on TV

If you happened to have caught the recent short TV series on AW walks, some gossip via the Keswick Mountain Festival, courtesy of Andy from the Lake Landers website. It appears that the BBC have commissioned 6 more programmes on Wainwright walks and ITV have some ideas themselves.

But looking at the audience viewing figures, peaking at 2 million viewers that is hardly surprising. Thos sort of figures far exceed many of the top rated programmes from many of the cable channels.

Digging a bit more into this I've found details of a TV link-up book due out June 2007 to 'accompany the 5 part BBC series of Wainwright Walks, its 6 part sequel, and the 7 part Granada series Wainwright Country'.
I only recall 4 programmes in this year's release, so that might explain the next batch of programmes?

However reading the book's synopsis on Amazon I'm not sure whether some (all?) of this may refer to the original 'Walking with Wainwright' series from the 80s.

Whatever. We are becoming media friendly all of a sudden. What's next? Reality TV with Langdale MRT? A cross between Casualty & Vets in Practice? It's about the only Rescue Service that hasn't been TV'd yet.

It's time is-a-coming surely?


All site material © John Hee - ask before you snatch