Sunday, April 1

Sunday Saunter - snippets on the breeze

The white of hawthorn flowers exploding from the bushes. Buds unfurling on the trees, catkins dangling and dancing in the breeze. Tits flitting from tree to tree busily fattening up for the forthcoming brood raising.

Sunlight reflecting off the stream's ripples, the gold contrasting with the rusty brown of the peaty bed. A sudden flash of movement under the water's surface as small fish dart for cover at my approach.

Bees, bumbling along, but with evident purpose, there being so many of them around now. And there, a red admiral butterfly passes by, and here a brimstone rests for a moment on the vibrant green grass. Wild garlic standing proud.

I come across a field of rapeseed, yellow flower heads bobbing in time to their own tunes.

When I passed this way a couple of weeks ago all was green or grey.
Nature has responded to the sun's wake up call.


Yep, isn't this a wonderful time of the year.
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