Sunday, March 11

SCOOP - Multimedia Baron in Expose Controversy

Late news has just arrived at JH Mansion, triggering the automated systems and awakening me from my deep slumber.

But this sort of information is no respector of time or day where blogger scoops are involved, and the NEWS MUST GET THROUGH.

So before the Sunday newspapers run this massive expose - remember you read it here first.

Podcast Bob in podophilia scandal!

Follow the hot link to the shame and ignomy of a man in the thrall of a demon passion.

Sorry Bob. Just couldn't resist this one - it's far too surreal for this time of night.

I thought he was just being Prince Charming. "Whomsoever the sock fits, gets some".

Hmm, maybe that's why the range is called X-socks?
Just wating for the man himself to pop up and say "No comment"
I was going to say something, but didn't want to put my foot in it .... (again) ... ;-)
oh very good Bob!
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