Friday, March 9

Out of the Woodwork - More UK Outdoor blogs

It had to happen.

Here they come, sidling into the bright streams of sunlight, their small beady eyes screwed tightly against the unexpected light. Coming out into the open for the first time. Their secret passion finally exposed.

Following a thread on Outdoors Magic othe UK Outdoor bloggers are starting to appear from out of the woodwork. Like pheasants flushed from behind the hedge, they've announced themselves on the scene. But perhaps without the accompanying cacophony, and slapping of wings.

First is Dave Mycroft's - Out There .
Now not an auspicious start. Despite all my warnings - it's on Livespace. (spit!) And then there's the archives.
Dave! They're empty - call the rozzers!
Only joking - March postings look very comprehensive.

And then we have Darren's eye on the world started in Dec 2006 (see that's what archives are Dave!)

I'll be back to check them both over in more detail during this weekend and see if they get onto the Walkabout Links list. I may have to start getting more selective or the links will be longer than the posts at this rate.

Welcome to both of you.

Blimey - Darren's going to have his work cut out at this rate


Ta John, I forgot to remove the Archives when I decided to remove the last year's content - all non hill related. I know you don't like Livespace but I'm used to using it and tbh haven't the time to go looking at alternatives yet. Lots of new content coming over the next few weeks - then live content from the TGO challenge.
John, luckily for me I only put in 1 hour a days effort at work but get paid for 7.5 ^__^
Anonymous (Dave?) - not to worry, I just have to watch how I comment on there all you;ll get enough comments to waste a few hours.

Want to see what I mean?
Looking forward to your stuff, based on your background that I'm aware of from OM

WD -1 hour! Busier than normal today then?
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