Monday, January 15

Magazine walking routes - the joys of walking?

After my recent post about TGO content (Jan 2), but covering the UK Walking magazines generally, it's easy to forget that the readership of such publications is not always the experienced outdoors folk.

I had to post
this. ".......the pair were following a route from a magazine......"

Nothing as yet on the Patterdale Mountain Rescue Group website, but I'd really like to know more about how a walk around Aira Force (something like this 2 hours walk?) can get people into such a state of concern.

If the weather's bad, and you're unsure of your ability, eeeerr don't do it? Just because its printed in a mag doesn't mean its right for you.

When the incident finally gets posted, I'll be interested to see if there's any comment about availability of map/compass/suitable clothing etc that seems to be a tag line for many of the more unnecessary MRT call-outs.

Perhaps navigation and weather watching will in next month's magazine issue (whichever one it may be)

I know I shouldn't - but I smiled.
Yes I admit it. I'm a sick and sorry individual, pitiless and beyond redemption.

Wonder if they'll sue the magazine for all the distress?


All site material © John Hee - ask before you snatch