Sunday, July 27

On-line shopping makes it easy

So not, as the title would indicate, on this occasion.

There was an untimely demise of my North Face Hedgehog footwear during last weekend's Dartmoor deluge (picked the wrong weekend didn't we lads & lass!).

I was aware that stocks of these seemed erratic, possibly a new model or whatever on the way? Who knows.

But all I wanted was a straight replacement - easy enough. Size 7 UK. Nothing too unaverage.

Six websites visited on Wednesday night, resulting in one order for nearly £60; Thursday an "out of stock" e-mail.

Fair enough, it happens.

Thursday night - eighteen new websites visited. One of which, based in the UK quoted me in Euros but didn't appear to offer delivery within the UK. Three could offer the goods. Or so they said. The one I finally went with has now confirmed the order, but now costing just over £70.

For remainder stock, lets not forget.

And for something I bought near eighteen months ago, from a real shop, for approx £65, that cost reflecting their recent release. And a particularly expensive retailer from what I recall.

But boy are they good trail shoes, IMHO.


All site material © John Hee - ask before you snatch